Looking for an awesome WordPress hosting provider, you have come to this website, you have reached the right place and you are going to get good guidance in this area. You can rest assured that all your questions will be answered in this post. Feel happy, take a cold breath, you will be getting here the solution.
During such a big pandemic, we cannot go anywhere outside, so we have a very good time in sufficient quantity. According to our plan, we can do it in the meantime by taking an opportunity and taking full advantage of this free time. You can write on your favorite topic and also earn very good money from it.
Maybe you already have a new website and you want to create something else for which you need a good hosting plan, then I will share a best solution for you.
So how to start your website, let’s talk about it.
Alright, to start with first, you need to choose a good hosting plan. However, the process of hosting websites is becoming easier and easier day by day because as people are moving online nowadays, hosting companies are also putting their day and night in such a way. Therefore, she is emphasizing on how to simplify it further.
Before we reach there, one of the first problems we face is that it is very difficult for us to choose which is the best hosting provider that will stand out for me and be the best for the requirements of my site. Because there are many hosting companies and it is very difficult to compare.
To make your selection easy we have a proposal which is very unprecedented – GreenGeeks
If you are already running a website and may be wondering what is so special in GreenGeeks and when you are looking for an option in the hosting website.
GreenGeeks is completely environmentally friendly.
Yes, you heard the environment right. How a hosting provider company can save the environment and be environment friendly, this question is running in your mind, I said right!
Jack Nemend, founder of the Web Neutral Project, said that a website produces about 4,500 pounds of carbon dioxide a year. This is similar to driving a car for 10,000 miles. Various processes involved in hosting a website give rise to this pollution.
As responsible citizens, we must do our best to minimize the damage we can do to our environment. If we have a choice then why don’t we take this risk and help save our environment.
But at the expense of saving the climate and the environment, your real needs should not be compromised. Because you want good results that are effective.
So let’s move on to the discussion and focus on a few good aspects that will tell you why GreenGeeks?
Why Should You Buy GreenGeeks?
Before we move on to concrete reasons, we will share some data with you, GreenGeeks Company has started since 2007 and till now it has hosted 300 Thousand Websites and its data centers are present in the USA, Canada, and the Netherlands. The founders of GreenGeeks are very experienced and are putting their rich experience with full energy in hosting provider company having the right attitude and direction.
Environmentally Friendly
There is only one hosting provider in the world which is environment friendly
It is being said that the web hosting pollution that will be created by the end of 2020 will be more than that of airlines. This figure will increase further because many people are doing their business online.
I believe that not only should be the responsibility of the hosting provider but we should also be responsible for how we can save the world from the environment. In the future, the government should work in this direction and provide a tax exemption in such things.
First, GreenGeeks is recognized as an EPA Green Power Partner. They claim to be the most environmentally friendly hosting provider available today, which all hosting provider companies need to consider and has also gone a step further and paid special attention to the environment.
How GreenGeeks makes its servers environment-friendly and how it works is not going to be the matter at all, let’s go to the next points where we chose GreenGeeks in various WordPress hosting providers.
GreenGeeks fast loads web pages by doing a lot of technology, let’s see what it is –
In-built Caching
Inbuilt caching provides the facility to make the page load fast and for this, you do not need any separate software or plugin at all.
SSD Storage
The data from your website is saved in SSD drives which are much faster than HDD drives.
Responsive Server Technology
There are responsive servers so that your data loads fast and there is no problem in rendering the page.
CDN – According to the industry standard, CDN provides which also increases the load speed of the page.
Zero Downtime
Its uptime is very good, it is also a big region, which has made it an identity. Almost 100% uptime.
You must be wondering what is container-based technology is considered over here, so when there is a traffic spike on the site, then all the resources can be placed in a container so that no such changes are effected to the site.
Customer Support
It is very possible that when you are trying to build your website, at one time you get stuck in a problem and you do not find any way out to deal with, then it is important that in any problem you can directly connect with the support team so that They can guide you in case of any problem.
To help you in case of any problem, they are giving you three different easy to talk ways to contact them, email, chat and telephone support, and email you can do it anytime 24 by 7.
Other Advanced features
They provide free SSL which makes your site secure. In addition, if you are creating an e-commerce website, then they provide a free plugin so that you can easily create an e-commerce website with the help of WordPress and such plug-in.
Pricing and Affordable Plan
GreenGeeks launches 3 plans and all three are available at affordable prices.

The Lite plan costs $ 2.95 per month. It includes unlimited storage and data transfer, free website migration, free one-year domain registration, CDN integration, free SSL certificate, soft cool one-click installer.
Almost all the best features will be available to you in the Lite plan, but I will personally advise you to purchase a pro plan ($ 5.95 per month), first of all, you can host unlimited websites and secondly in terms of performance, it will be just double than the Lite plan and finally, website performance will be great.
GreenGeeks is one of the best and serious hosting providers and you keep this option in mind for your website. It comes with a lot of advantages and is capable of being at the forefront of WordPress hosting providers.
“By selecting a WordPress hosting GreenGeeksas well as contribute to saving the environment, then this is the right candidate for you to choose for the best word press hosting.”